目前注册的学生可以免费获得一系列经过认证的生活教练. 生活教练是一种健康专业人士,他们通过设定目标等策略帮助个人在生活中取得进步, 问责制, and confronting cognitive distortions.

The coaching model is not specifically designed for individuals that need mental health counseling; students continue to have access to licensed counselors through CUW’s 咨询中心.


学生可以通过填写下面的表格或到Albrecht 115咨询来请求一位生活教练. Appointments are recommended, but not required. 然后,生活教练会主动与学生见面,讨论他或她的情绪, 知识, or vocational training goals.

教练和学生将共同决定他们会面的频率,但是, 在一般情况下, 学生可以期望每隔一周与教练进行一次检查.

There is no obligation to meet long-term with a life coach. Some students could benefit from a one-time connect.

Request an appointment 

Meet Concordia’s life coaches

教职员工都通过特蕾西Tuffey获得了生活教练认证, 垃圾, LCSW, 她是一名认证的生活教练和培训师,在CUW创立了生活教练项目. 她是临床心理学名誉教授,拥有20多年的本科教学经验, 研究生, 成人教育. 她曾担任多个领导职务,并拥有自己的私人诊所. 在过去的25年里,作为一名私人心理治疗师和临床咨询师, Tracy’s expertise ranges from grief counseling, stress and anxiety management, Christian and spiritual counseling, marriage and family counseling, 中介, 还有更多.

Supplemental training is provided by Positivity, an app-based therapy, 支持, and coaching service that was founded by Dr. 丹尼尔Upchurch, 一位从事心理健康工作超过15年的教授和心理学家.


特蕾西Tuffey, LPC

特蕾西Tuffey, 垃圾, LCSW是临床心理学名誉退休教授,拥有超过20年的本科教学经验, 研究生, 成人教育.  她曾担任多个领导职务,并拥有自己的私人诊所. 在过去的25年里,作为一名私人心理治疗师和临床咨询师, Tracy’s expertise ranges from grief counseling, stress and anxiety management, Christian and spiritual counseling, marriage and family counseling, 中介, 还有更多. 

Tracy是一名认证的生活教练和培训师,她创立了CUW的生活教练项目. She provides consultation to other Life Coaches and Counselors. She enjoys working with adult clients in executive coaching, 职业生涯辅导, professional development, and solution-focused therapy. 她在指导各种各样的客户并帮助他们实现个人目标方面也有良好的记录.

Kari Metts


我是Kari Metts,从节目开始我就一直是一名生活教练,我很喜欢这份工作!

My main focus as a Life Coach is to listen; encourage; 支持 and talk about anything (school; life) that you may need to voice out loud and/or pointers to reach a goal. I’ve been around for a while and I’ve gained some experience. 以下是我的清单:

  • Retired Army Veteran
  • Single mom of cognitive/disabled young adult daughter
  • 第一代
  • 研究生

I anticipate our connection and collaboration!

Areas of coaching expertise:

  • 军事
  • 第一代学生



Everyone is fighting their own personal battles. 在我刚成年的那几年里,我一直在与害羞、焦虑和完美主义作斗争. 随着时间的推移, I have learned 策略 to thrive despite my personal challenges, 我希望你们也能如此——不管你们个人面临的挑战是什么.

我的发展心理学背景使我对人类的思想和行为有了复杂的理解. 我利用这些知识作为生活教练来帮助你更好地了解自己和他人. 作为第一代大学生和前研究生战士, I am also experienced in helping students navigate the academic, 社会, 以及本科生和研究生的情感复杂性. 除了, 我通过Inspiring Comfort和ProjectConnect获得了社会联系和关系建立技术的认证.

作为我的客户, 您可以期望获得实现目标所需的支持和工具, while also feeling fully heard, 见过, 和理解. 我们将共同努力,朝着你们希望在生活中看到的持久变化稳步前进.

Areas of coaching expertise:

  • 学术成就
  • 建立信任
  • First-generation students
  • 正念
  • 研究生院
  • 的关系
  • 压力管理
  • 工作与生活的平衡


Marnie Lawler McDonough

Marnie Lawler McDonough

Dr. Marnie Lawler McDonough is an Assistant Professor of Communication. She currently teaches courses in Interpersonal Communication, Cross-Cultural Communication, and Critical Thinking, 她的研究重点是组织和修辞领导. 专业, 她曾担任各种沟通角色,包括领导和执行咨询和培训. Building on that experience, Dr. McDonough’s coaching focus extends to career and resume building, 基本的沟通技巧,如公开演讲和有说服力的写作, personal and professional relational issues, and academic success at any student level. 辅导课程将量身定制,以确保设定可实现的目标,并定期评估,以满足每个客户的需求.

Areas of coaching expertise:

  • 领导
  • Career-guidance / resume-building
  • 沟通(公开演讲,有说服力的写作,批判性思维)
  • Interpersonal relationships (in the workplace)
  • 学术成就 (under研究生, 研究生, doctoral)



我热衷于培养潜能和促进个人发展, to help you reach your goals and make long-term changes.

As a former international 研究生 student and an immigrant, I embraced the excitement of studying and living abroad, but I also struggled with its challenges - from anxiety, 文化冲击, to learning to “fit in” and make new friends. 我在辅导大学新生方面也有丰富的经验, and I love helping folks understand its “unwritten rules”!

我学会了克服自己的焦虑挑战的策略, cultural differences, and work-life balance, and I am looking forward to helping you find what works for you. 在一起, we will chart a roadmap that can ease your anxiety, propel you academically, and enrich your personal growth.

How can I help you be the best you that you can be?

Areas of coaching expertise:

  • International students
  • 研究生
  • 工作与生活的平衡
  • Communication skills
  • 学术成就



艾梅威利 is a personal development life coach, focusing on relationships, 时间管理, 目标设定, 生涯探索, holistic health (mind/body/spirit), 和自我概念. She brings a counseling perspective to her coaching, 她是中国武汉大学专业心理咨询专业的研究生. A mother to five kids, 年龄12-20, Aimee has experience in life stage development and family dynamics, 她还可以帮助解决通常影响生活和人际关系的心理健康问题.

作为客户, 你将踏上一段自我发现的旅程,寻找生活的意义和目标, 同时获得有用的工具来加强中欧体育app个人和职业关系,帮助你实现中欧体育app目标.

要预约Aimee的生活指导,请联系学生健康 studentwellness@mscoastgeospatial.com or 262-243-2244. Sessions are 45-60 minutes, scheduled weekly or as needed.



Mikaely施密茨是一名生活教练,致力于指导和支持他人完成他们的个人和职业旅程. With over 20 years of experience as a speech-language pathologist, 教育家, communication specialist, and training in developmental psychology and behavior, Mikaely对人类行为有着深刻的理解,并能进行有效的计划和沟通.

My coaching practice is enriched by my life roles as an 教育家, former college and 研究生 student, 家长, 合作伙伴, 和朋友. 这些角色将我的方法建立在真实的、相关的经验之上. As a certified life coach, 方案得到, Project Connect Facilitator, and QPR Gatekeeper Instructor, 我提供一个全面的工具包和整体的方法来支持我的客户. Regardless of your goals and challenges, I will work with you to provide the guidance, 支持, and 问责制 you need to achieve sustained success. 我们将共同建立一种重视同理心和理解的伙伴关系, 确保中欧体育app声音被听到,同时我们共同努力提供问责制, 策略, and encouragement to make meaningful strides towards your goals.


  • Time and Task Management
  • 学生和学术成就,包括研究生院申请和成功
  • Resume Writing and Editing
  • Interpersonal Communication Skills
  • 的关系
  • 个人发展
  • 职业发展
  • 财务状况
  • ADHD, and broader Executive Functioning Related Strategies

Request an appointment

Need help finding School/Life/Work balance, 设定目标, or developing 社会 or professional skills? Set up an appointment with 学生健康 today!