作为一名学生,中欧体育app健康对我们来说至关重要, 是的, 但最重要的是作为神的孩子. 我们的使命是培养所有学生的身心健康. 很高兴知道你可以使用我们的校园学生健康服务, 健康, 以及咨询中心,为你提供作为CUW学生的任何健康需求.
学生健康 is the place to start when looking for mental health and wellness support for students. Schedule an appointment with one of our intake/triage coordinators for a personalized approach to your mental health and wellness journey and to assist you in identifying a positive path forward. 电子邮件 StudentWellness@mscoastgeospatial.com 或打电话 262-243-2244 今天!
的 team in the 学生健康中心 is prepared to serve students by providing comprehensive medical care, support, 对中欧体育app健康问题进行教育. 我们的持牌专业人员, 包括护士, 护士, 医生助理可以评估, 诊断和治疗疾病和伤害. 我们也可以提供体育锻炼, 实验室测试, 分发药物, 并帮助您满足您的学习计划的健康要求. 请致电262-243-4574预约. 了解更多关于学生健康中心的信息.
如果你正在与焦虑问题作斗争,去咨询中心, 抑郁症, 物质滥用, 家庭暴力, 攻击, 学习困难, 更重要的是,甚至难以适应大学生活. 康科迪亚是经过临床训练的, empathetic counseling 工作人员 is here to help you navigate any struggles you may face while at Concordia University. 了解更多关于咨询中心的信息.
我们咨询服务的一个独特方面是我们的安慰犬事工! 花点时间和佐伊或塞吉在一起,重新集中注意力,放松,或者重新给自己充电.
Intentionally serving our diverse student groups through clarifying goals and identifying obstacles and problematic behaviors to create action plans to achieve desired results.
生活教练在一系列专业和个人问题上与学生合作, 但它不同于咨询. 生活教练帮助你提高表现, 开发中欧体育app潜能, 解决方案发现, 目标设定. A life coach can help you recognize where you’re stuck and identify what needs to change to achieve your goals.
CUW 猎鹰支援网络 (FSN) promotes student well-being and empowers Concordia University students to create a resilient community by supporting each other’s mental health and well-being, 从每天到每周的生活, 同侪促进小组, 以及社区建设活动. 了解更多关于FSN的信息.
的 strength of a Christian community rests on an awareness that people need one another and reach out to one another for support and understanding. Concordia's 校园 Ministry team provides a myriad of ministry opportunities that involve fellowship, 服务, 和崇拜. 点击这里参与进来.
肯考迪娅的年代.M.A.R.T. 实验室是为学生优化他们的成就, 成功, and holistic well-being through the development of stress management skills and resiliency training. Once you have been oriented for use of the Lab, you may access it 24/7 using your CUW ID card. 在这里了解更多关于进入伊芙琳广场的信息.
感官室是为那些想要优化他们的成就的学生准备的, 成功, 感觉监管, and holistic wellbeing through the development of stress management skills and 感觉监管. 了解更多关于感官室的信息.
Concordia employees are able to access care through Cigna’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and this list is also helpful for students who are looking for off-campus counseling. Most of these counselors are in-network with many insurance providers and/or offer affordable rates for those who do not have insurance. 访问位于美国各地的路德会辅导员名单在这里.
Romans 12:10 calls us to be devoted to each other as a loving family by honoring one another above ourselves. Join us in the quest to build a community free from harassment, racism, sexism, and violence. 通过这个誓言,你承诺 学习、识别、干预和support 康考迪亚社区的人. 以H1A的承诺为例.
我们也有一个H1A学生团队来support我们的社区目标. 如果您想了解更多关于加入H1A学生团队的信息, 请与塞缪尔·莱因哈特联系 撒母耳.reinhardt@mscoastgeospatial.com.
的 见义勇为队(GST) is an interdisciplinary behavioral intervention team that identifies and ministers to students deemed to be at risk to themselves or others socially, 精神上, 身体上的, 和/或精神上. 我们鼓励教师, 工作人员, and students to contact the Dean of 学生 if they have concerns about the well-being of a Concordia student. 了解更多关于商品及服务税.
Designed to guide Concordia University through a collaborative process of comprehensive systems, 程序, and policy development with customized support to build upon existing student mental health, 物质使用, 自杀预防工作. 最终的目标是创造和维护一个更安全的, 更健康的, 以及信息更灵通的校园社区. 了解更多关于JED的信息.
康考迪亚大学校园安全办公室致力于维护一个无毒的校园. 的 abuse of alcohol and drugs can have a dramatic impact on professional, academic, and family life. 大学, 因此, encourages members of the community who may be experiencing difficulty with drugs or alcohol to seek help.
鼓励学生与学生健康办公室联系,电话: 262-243-2244 或电邮至 StudentWellness@mscoastgeospatial.com 寻求药物滥用方面的帮助.
In recognizing that opioid use and the associated risk of overdose due to opioid use continues to rise regionally, 纳洛酮(Narcan)在校园内随处可见. 校园里的每个AED柜子里都有两包纳洛酮鼻喷雾剂. Narcan is also available in the 校园安全 Office (Rincker 23) and the 学生健康中心 (Albrecht 113).
如果你有兴趣了解如何应对阿片类药物过量, 请联系学生健康中心获得免费培训机会或参观 NextDistro.org 社区资源和免费寄给中欧体育app纳洛酮.
启动中欧体育app恢复网站 provides helpful information for people who are dealing with 物质使用 issues — and their family members, 朋友, 和同事, 太. 的ir goal is to offer people who are dealing with 物质使用 issues a single source of reputable, 关于标志的客观信息, 症状, 条件, 治疗方案, and resources — presented in a user-friendly format and in language that’s easy to understand.
Do not hesitate to reach out to CUW 学生健康 intake/triage coordinators to help navigate finding confidential, 通过校园和社区资源support药物滥用.
学生 in need of a secure means to store prescription medication while living on campus may request a locking prescription pill bottle from the 校园安全 Office (Rincker 023) or 学生健康中心 (Albrecht 113).
的se locking prescription bottles allow the student to choose a four-digit combination for the bottle cover. 一旦组合设置好, you can then insert your original prescription bottle into the locking bottle to keep your medication safe.
学生 experiencing a mental health crisis that do not feel safe being left with their prescription medication can come to the 校园安全 Office and drop the medication in a locking storage box. 的 学生健康中心 nurse manager is the only person on campus who can retrieve the medication once deposited in the lock box. 学生 utilizing the medication drop box should keep the prescribed dose of their mediations for no more than 48 hours. 如果他们还没有, students will be connected to the 学生健康 office to schedule an appointment with a counselor or to see a provider in the 健康 Center. 在与服务提供者会面后,当学生不再处于危机中时, 健康中心经理可以将药物退还给学生.
的 家庭共享移动食品 每月于下列日期下午1时至1时45分探访香港大学.
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联系塞缪尔·莱因哈特 撒母耳.reinhardt@mscoastgeospatial.com 了解更多信息.