我们在保密的环境中为学生提供关怀和富有同情心的咨询服务. 如果你受伤了,困惑了,害怕了,或者只是需要有人倾诉,请中欧体育.
最简单的预约方式是通过电子邮件与学生健康入学/分流协调员联系: StudentWellness@mscoastgeospatial.com.
电话: 262-243-4211
电子邮件: 戴夫.enters@mscoastgeospatial.com
时间表: Monday - Friday
Counseling Approach: I have worked as a professional counselor for almost 40 years. 在此期间,我作为家庭和婚姻顾问工作了近20年,然后来到康科迪亚开始我们的咨询中心. I have a cognitive behavioral approach to helping others. 作为一名被称为平信徒的牧师,我喜欢在学生需要的时候将信仰和神的话语融入到辅导过程中. 我相信,帮助学生体验上帝的怜悯和恩典是引导他们通过他们所面临的挑战和逆境的一个组成部分. 我相信我提供了一个安全、保密的环境,在这个环境中,学生可以预期他们所关注的问题会取得进展.
专业领域: 抑郁,焦虑/压力管理,建立生活技能,冲突管理,信仰很重要
Education and Licensure:
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker, State of Wisconsin
- Concordia College – Milwaukee, Lay Ministry Certification
- University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, M.S. (Educational Psychology)
- Concordia University – Wisconsin, M.S. (Student Personnel Administration)
电话: 262-243-2244
电子邮件: 希瑟.dykema@mscoastgeospatial.com
时间表: Wednesday and Friday 8:00 am. - 12:00 pm.
Counseling Approach我毕业于西密歇根大学,获得咨询教育和咨询心理学硕士学位. 在过去的20年里,我一直在心理健康领域担任各种角色, work for Aurora Health Care as part of their Behavior Health Team. 我相信以信仰为基础的治疗和成长的方法,并将认知行为技术整合到健康的思维模式中. My goal is to help 学生s recognize their strengths, process complex emotions, 确定并建立他们的支持系统,并利用社区资源来最好地建立他们为自己设想的生活.
专业领域: depression/焦虑, 目标设定/building 生活技能, long-term substance abuse and mental illness, faith and spirituality
Education and Licensure:
- Licensed Professional Counselor, State of Wisconsin
- 西密歇根大学-卡拉马祖,密歇根州,硕士,顾问教育和咨询心理学
- Grand Valley State University-Grand Rapids, MI, BS, Psychology
电话: 608-843-6380
电子邮件: 迈克尔.casali@mscoastgeospatial.com
Counseling Approach: After a career in state government, public mental health agencies, and private practice, 我之所以被咨询中心吸引,是因为它对将信仰融入治疗的开放态度,以及我对早期成人发展的兴趣. 我认为这段时期提供了自由和独特的机会来塑造一个人的未来道路. I believe that understanding how one experiences themselves, 其他的人, and the world can lay the foundation for a more meaningful life. 学习实用的工具来实现这一点是我在咨询工作中提供的一部分. 我妻子在康科迪亚大学任教,我们的两个孩子也在这所大学上学. 在我的业余时间,我喜欢高尔夫球,阅读有关精神和家庭项目.
专业领域: Anxiety, depression, young adult development, psycho-spiritual development, 创伤/滥用, 自杀意念, 应对, 生活技能, emerging adulthood, 家庭问题, separation 焦虑/homesickness
Education and Licensure:
- Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Wisconsin (3349-123)
- Licensed Professional Counselor, Wisconsin (1741-125)
- Institute for Clinical Social Work, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州, Doctor of Philosophy, Child-Adolescent Specialization
- 威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校,威斯康辛州麦迪逊市,理学硕士,咨询教育专业
- DePaul University, 芝加哥, 伊利诺斯州, Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
电话: 262-243-2120
电子邮件: 艾米.wiley@mscoastgeospatial.com
Counseling Approach: 我正在CUW咨询中心实习,攻读专业咨询硕士学位, 我还在校园里担任生活教练和研究生入学顾问. 在威斯康星大学密尔沃基分校获得沟通(人际/组织/跨文化)学士学位后, I took time off from school to get married and raise a family, which includes my five children, 年龄12-20. Life is also a great teacher, as I have experienced many aspects of life stage development, 的关系, and family dynamics along the way. 我期待着帮助那些与约会和其他关系有关的问题, conflict management, 时间管理, 悲伤, 目标设定, career exploration, holistic health (mind/body/spirit), and development of self-concept.
日程安排: Thursdays and Fridays 10am-2pm
Counseling Approach我相信诚实、荣誉和尊重是咨询过程的核心. 我相信,通过营造一个安全的环境,成长、改变和治愈是可以发生的. 我希望每个人在离开我的办公室时都能感受到自己的价值,并有能力朝着自己的目标努力. My approach is client-centered, strengths-based, 以信仰为基础的, and incorporates tools from cognitive behavioral therapy. 然而, 我的首要任务是了解我面前的人,并调整我的干预措施以适应他们的独特需求. Due to having an extensive sports background, I enjoy counseling athletes. 高中时,我获得了全州排球第二队的好成绩,并参加了NCAA排球第三赛区的比赛. I recognize that sports can take a toll on an athlete’s mental health. 因此, 我致力于为运动员创造一个安全的空间,让他们明白他们的心理健康和身体健康一样重要.
专业领域: depression/焦虑, sports performance, faith and spirituality, trauma
Education and Licensure:
- Licensed Professional Counselor in Training, State of Wisconsin
- National Certified Counselor, National Board for Certified Counselors
- 弥赛亚大学-机械堡,PA, MA,临床心理健康咨询
- Messiah University - Mechanicsburg, PA, BA, Athletic Training
电话: 262-243-2244
电子邮件: 学生.wellness@mscoastgeospatial.com
时间表:星期一、三、四上午9时至下午4时,星期二下午1时至7时,星期五上午8时至4时(虚拟). Available after hours by phone/ appointment.
要安排咨询或生活指导预约,请联系学生.wellness@cuw.你可以安排一个入会时间,并与一个适合中欧体育app需求和时间安排的咨询师/生活教练相匹配. Walk-in appointments are welcome.
关于我: 我是威斯康星州康考迪亚大学(CUW)的学生健康摄入和分类协调员, 我致力于将学生与各种心理健康资源联系起来. 我的职责包括评估学生的需求,并指导他们接受心理咨询等校内服务, 生活指导, 同伴支持, 校园部, and the health center, as well as assisting them in finding off-campus care when necessary.
As a certified QPR (Question, 说服, Refer) Suicide Prevention Instructor, I provide vital training on recognizing and addressing suicidal thoughts. My certifications in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), 鼓舞人心的安慰, 和Project Connect使我能够为学生提供有效的支持和协调心理健康培训, 工作人员, 和老师. 另外, 我担任CUW JED校园联合领导,并为心理健康小组委员会做出贡献, 重点采取措施,加强校园精神健康资源和支援系统.
我的职业生涯包括在一家儿童权益非营利组织担任招生协调员, various management roles, 个人培训, and work with international 学生s and in church communities. I am a proud CUW alum, holding a bachelor's degree in psychology and business management, and an associate’s degree in theological studies. During my time as a 学生, 我是心理学同行的领导者,领导了旨在减少心理健康耻辱和支持服务不足社区的服务项目.
我热衷于心理健康宣传,并致力于帮助大学生应对压力, 焦虑, 和危机. 我希望中大的学生可以放心地寻求保密的支持和资源.