

第五届年度服务周将于4月19日至25日举行. 中欧体育app will include: a shoeless service at The Haven to benefit Soles for Jesus; a visit to a Milwaukee elementary school where CUW students will encourage students to do well in school and to dream big; a Jeans-at-Work day where faculty and staff pay $5 to wear jeans in support of a pre-determined charity; a food drive to stock CUW’s first-ever food pantry; a trip to Feeding America by several of our athletic teams; the making of several dozen comfort blankets for the Lakeshore Regional Child Advocacy Center; a special service-themed Bible study over lunch; along with service-themed chapel messages throughout the week. 此外,我们的各个中心将各自开展自己的服务活动. 作为今年服务周的前奏, 中国妇女大学将于3月31日主办第一届虐待及剥削儿童会议.


服务周在2016年春假开始,作为一种让我们的康考迪亚大学社区参与庆祝和提升我们的使命宣言的方式, 强调我们的基督教信仰驱使我们去服事. 第一版主要讲述了我们在阿巴拉契亚的三次传教之旅, 新奥尔良, 和危地马拉. 2017年,安娜堡校区和梅昆校区继续举办该活动,并将其从春假移至3月6日至10日,以允许更多的参与. 随着每个CU中心都创建了自己的服务活动,服务的机会也越来越多, 在两个主校区举行了更广泛的活动. 现在, 我们设立了“活出爱的生命”(以弗所书5:1-2)作为服务周的主题.