
教育是一项真正崇高的职业. The Master of Science in Instructional Leadership is designed to help you maximize your impact in the classroom. You’ll take a deep dive into a number of newly developed techniques that aim to help your students learn better, 你也会对学习过程有更深的理解. 这个课程将帮助你成为你被呼召成为的仆人式领袖, 为了你学生的最终利益.




$1000s in new scholarships exclusively for adult and post-traditional learners.


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Our team is available to help you as you consider the next step in your education.


我们的团队随时准备为您提供更多的项目细节, 财政援助选择, 以及招生问题.


If you’re a licensed teacher looking to continue your education in a customizable track that fits your professional needs and interest areas, 你会发现这个项目非常适合你. It’ll give you the opportunity to renew your license in multiple subjects and fields and increase your expertise in a special area of interest. You’ll enjoy learning alongside other students from experienced faculty who come from a number of diverse backgrounds – all willing to give you a level of 个人 attention that is truly unique within the field of online education. 本课程包括18学分的核心课程, as well as 15 credits of electives that you can choose from a pre-approved list of offerings. The program uses a portfolio-based assessment process that aligns with the Core Propositions of the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards, 并提供了各种各样的学习课程.




Concordia University Wisconsin’s 教育学院 has a reputation for helping public, 私人, 宪章, and other school systems meet the needs of their students in the most comprehensive way possible. This is not only an exclusive partnership; we simply believe in providing opportunities to increase teacher capacity, 提高领导力发展, 影响学生的成功.

的好处 学术界伙伴关系 包括:

  • Partner with a local university that has an excellent academic and ethical reputation
  • We come to you – meet with our team to customize a program or professional development that fits each districts’ unique needs
  • Meet educational objectives and enhance faculty expertise with highly respected, 在广泛的研究生学位中完全认可的课程, 许可项目, 技术选择
  • 面对面的队列或多样化的在线课程,以满足您繁忙的日程安排. We provide expert instructors 和顾问s and draw on research-based practices through our rigorous accredited programs
  • 与大学学分相关的专业发展
  • Receive $450 per eligible 研究生 course or $150 per eligible adult accelerated course

学生 who desire licensure in another state must contact their state department of education for details about whether or not this coursework will meet state requirements.  学生 from outside of Wisconsin may earn the Master’s degree without teacher licensing.


首先也是最重要的, this program is all about learning techniques that will provide more  opportunities for student engagement. 除此之外, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of major educational philosophies and their respective approaches to curriculum development. You’ll also have experiences in applying current educational learning theories and developing their applications for the teaching process. 你将获得有效教学策略的知识, utilizing Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences as the philosophical foundation.

当你离开这个项目时,你会对这种态度了如指掌, 技能, 以及有效地利用社交网络教育有风险的学生所需要的技术, 个人, 文化, 以及社区动态. 最重要的是, you’ll be well-researched in the nature of alternative education K-12 programs in public schools and the impact they have on the community.

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